Pain Free Life Success Story: George

Name: George Justice

Started treatments: Spring of 2013  

The root of my pain: The pain resulted from a build-up of post-operative scar tissue… scar tissue that spread across my entire lower abdomen.

Before starting “Pain Free” treatments, my pain level was never any less than 6 (6 was actually a “good” day). On three separate occasions, the pain became so severe that I was taken to the ER by ambulance; and on each of those occasions, actually admitted (once for three days; once for four; and once for a week)… and all of this while wearing transdermal patches of Fentanyl (50 mcg) and taking 6 Vicodin a day.

My pain was so severe, that I was a person who had actually given up,  truly; lost all hope of ever again being that vital person I once was. The pain I lived with (my “never-ending” pain) was so overwhelming, so out of control, that taking my life had become something I battled daily. I soon learned that physical pain so out of control, so unrelenting, can do terrible things to one’s psyche. My whole existence had become a single-minded one; feverishly trying to get out of pain (from the moment I woke up till the very last minute I went to sleep), and I had reached a point where I was willing to do almost anything to achieve it.  

In a word, I had reached a point of desperation. And as you might suspect, I sought out a pain clinic (a very well known and highly acclaimed pain clinic). Their protocol was a steady diet of Vicodin and fentanyl. Still, those drugs only gave me temporary relief, and over time, they became less and less effective. So naturally, the clinic increased the dosages. Up and up they went. Up and up, and then up and up some more, until I was "hooked"… totally drug dependent. Still, the pain was there and,I sought relief (naturally). I subsequently underwent four nerve blocks, a spinal cord stimulator, months of acupuncture, steroids, pain creams, pain counseling, and meditation. Since none of it was working, I sought out two prominent surgeons (one in the Detroit area and one in Chicago), which led to two surgeries where they actually severed the nerves going to my groin/abdomen area. STILL, there was a pain. But, then, by sheer happenstance, I discovered “Pain Free” and their cold-laser technology; a technology that dealt in laser repair of scar tissue. For me, it was the beginning of a new life. After thirteen treatments, my life (my pain-free life) was restored. I’ll never forget it. I got up off the table after the thirteenth treatment and damned near burst into tears. I kept moving this way and that trying to locate my pain, but it was gone (gone, gone, gone)!!! Nowhere to be found. Of course, I still had to deal with the pain from the withdrawal of drugs prescribed by the pain clinic, which was a nightmare unto itself. But with the help of Pain Free, I was able to overcome. It’s been seven years now, and  I am still pain-free… and thanking my god every day that I  found a procedure that actually worked. 

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the staff at “Pain Free”. First, and above all, its staff (from the top echelon on down) was instrumental in helping me to feel as if there was hope as if all was not lost. They were truly more like family than regulated employees. Their approach, their affirmative posture, was instrumental to my recovery. Their care and concern was right away in keeping with their modern-day laser technology… technology that continues (even to this day)to astound me. Finding “Pain Free” was the beginning of a new life; a declarative an undeniable answer to countless prayers. Today, I am back to my vibrant self. ASTOUNDING!!!… my pain level never any more than a 1, and then only lasting a few minutes. In a very real sense, I owe my existence to  “Pain Free”. The path I was on prior to finding “Pain Free” was nothing more than a one-way path of torment. I really don’t know “how,” or even “if”, I would have been around today were it not for Jeff Morton and his dedicated staff at “Pain Free”. 

George Justice 

Ferndale, MI


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