PFLC News & Media


Dear Patients and Friends,

We wanted to take a moment to share some exciting news- Pain Free Life Centers Director, Jeff Morton, has been honored in Hour Magazine’s Faces of Detroit issue as “The Face of Pain Management.”

Jeff is humbled and thankful to Hour Detroit for the recognition, but most importantly, he is grateful to our patients whose constant loyalty and advocacy have made this possible.

Thank you for your wonderful support, and thank you again for trusting us with your physical well-being.

Congratulations Jeff!

~ The Staff of Pain Free Life Centers

Check us out on the radio!


Listen in with Pain Free Life Centers director Jeff Morton on the “Home & Health Show” on WMUZ 103.5, or co-hosting the “Pain Free Life Show” with Warren Pierce on WJR 760 AM.

If you or a loved one are suffering from chronic pain, learn how advancements in laser therapy can get you back to living a better quality of life without drugs, surgery or side effects!



Case Study for TBI &
High Dose Cold Laser Therapy


Patient: A 57-year-old male, in good health, who suffered a traumatic brain injury, January 2004, in a pedestrian vs. automobile accident.

Patient’s symptoms since his TBI include, but are not limited to, Attention Deficit Disorder, Complex Migraine with Aura, extreme fatigue, brain fog, short term memory loss.

Patient has been under a neuropsychiatrist’s care since his injury and has been through extensive rehabilitation, speech and occupational therapies. Patient has had Complex Migraine with Aura since his accident. He averaged several in a 30-day period and has had as many as 14 in one month.

(March 2018)

There are definite triggers that encourage a migraine to begin. He has tried many medications for his condition, with very little success. He has found a combination of meds that will decrease the length of a complex migraine if taken at the onset.

If the medication is not taken at the onset, the patient will experience “stroke-like” symptoms, i.e. loss of speech, compromised/loss of motor skills, pain, blurred vision and full body spasm. Symptoms can last for many hours and recovery can last days.

In May 2018, patient sought the alternative treatment of High Dose Cold Laser Therapy, for his TBI, at Pain Free Life Centers. Patient started his treatments May 3, 2018 and has received ten, twenty-minute treatments total, with the last one being August 10, 2018. His migraines first reduced in frequency and the patient has now reported that as of July 2018, this was the first month, in 14.5 years since his accident, that he has not had a single migraine. As of today’s date, September 6, 2018, patient is still migraine free. It should also be noted that the “triggers” that would’ve caused a migraine in the past, were still present in his everyday life.


Report: Court filings detail NFL’s extreme usage of painkillers

Report: Court filings detail NFL’s extreme usage of painkillers

NFL teams use painkillers in the normal course of business. This fact should surprise no one who’s seen a single tackle. But NFL teams also routinely overuse, misuse, or misreport the usage of these painkillers, according to court filings in a federal lawsuit filed by former players.

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Opioids: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Our position has always been that opioid drugs are severely over prescribed to manage pain, treating symptoms rather than underlying conditions. HBO’s “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” recently addressed the role the drug companies play in this problem. Though delivered in a humorous narrative filled with mature language, it is a scathing indictment of “Big Pharma” in America.

See Full Video

The drug industry’s answer to opioid addiction: More pills

Cancer patients taking high doses of opioid painkillers are often afflicted by a new discomfort: constipation. Researcher Jonathan Moss thought he could help, but no drug company was interested in his ideas for relieving suffering among the dying.

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Pain Free Life Centers is proud to team with Spartan Medical to bring our revolutionary High Dose Laser Therapy to Service-Disabled Veterans. Learn more about this partnership, and see if your treatments are eligible for coverage from the VA.

Pain Free Life Centers is proud to team with Spartan Medical to bring our revolutionary High Dose Laser Therapy to Service-Disabled Veterans. Learn more about this partnership, and see if your treatments are eligible for coverage from the VA.

This article from The Atlantic suggest the death toll from opioids are much higher than reported due to the fact that some drug overdose deaths do not report on which drug the victim used. For more information, click the link below.

This article from The Atlantic suggest the death toll from opioids are much higher than reported due to the fact that some drug overdose deaths do not report on which drug the victim used. For more information, click the link below.

Red Wings announcer Ken Daniels shares his heartbreaking loss to save others from predatory rehabs. “As the parent of an addict, Ken Daniels explains, the only time you truly feel at peace is when you know your child is somewhere safe. “

Red Wings announcer Ken Daniels shares his heartbreaking loss to save others from predatory rehabs. “As the parent of an addict, Ken Daniels explains, the only time you truly feel at peace is when you know your child is somewhere safe. “

Kyle Mac | Pain Free Life | Laser Therapy

Let us help you relieve your pain.


Achilles Tendinitis


Herniated Discs


Post Shingle Nerve Pain

Soft Tissue

Arthritic Pain

Carpal Tunnel

Knee Pain


Rotator Cuff

Spinal Stenosis

Back Pain



Plantar Fasciitis

Scar Tissue

Tennis Elbow

Bulging Discs

Heel Spurs

Musculoskeletal Pain

Post-surgical Healing

Sciatic Nerve Pain

Trigeminal Neuralgia

Get started today!

6585 Rochester Rd. Suite 103
Troy, MI 48085

Monday–Thursday / 7am - 7pm
Friday / 7am - 5pm

(248) 879 1100
